1. Have you ever watched any of the following films?

         Chinatown                                                        Se7en

         Pulp Fiction                                                     Sin City

          Blade Runner                                                 Usual Suspects

          Heat                                                                   Snatch


2. If you saw a black and white film on television, would you assume it was old?

                              Yes                                            No

(Results: all answered Yes)

 3. In your opinion, how is a detective portrayed?

(Results: Hat, Pipe, Suit, Magnifying glass, Intelligent, Witty, Sarcastic, Smart, Friendly, Sly)

4. How would you expect a seductive, misleading woman who charms her lovers into dangerous situations to dress?

(Results: Cleavage, Short dress, Red lipstick, Heels, Slutty, Skin on show, Lacy clothes)

5. How would you expect a person to act after killing someone?

(Results: Agitated, Suspicious, Uptight, Over friendly, Alert, Nervous)

6. In what location would you find a murder investigation to take place?

(Results: Forest, Big city, Small village, Country lane, Apartment)

7. How would you expect a detective to dress?


 8. How would you expect a stalker to act without being too obvious?


 9. How would you expect a victim of being stalked to act?

(Results: Cautious, Alert, Scared, Paniced, Edgy, Timid)

 10. In a chase scene between a stalker and his victim. What sound effects would be the most effective?

                                   Heavy Breathing                                           A Narrative

                                    Fast pace music                                            Footsteps
